Setting up the starter kit

How to set up Canva's app development starter kit.

By itself, creating an app via the Developer Portal doesn't do anything. You need to write the source code that defines the app's behavior and then share that code with Canva.

The source code must be provided as a standalone JavaScript bundle. To make it as easy as possible to generate this bundle, we've created a starter kit — a GitHub repository that contains the boilerplate of an app and all of the tooling we recommend, including the App UI Kit, TypeScript, React, and webpack.

It's technically possible to create apps without the starter kit, but the documentation assumes you're using it.

git clone
cd canva-apps-sdk-starter-kit
npm install

To set up the starter kit, the following tools need to be installed:

  • git
  • Node.js v20.10.0
  • npm v10

To learn more, see Prerequisites.

The starter kit is available as a GitHub repo.

To clone the starter kit, run the following command:

git clone

By default, the repo is cloned into a directory named canva-apps-sdk-starter-kit. You can customize this name by passing a different name into the git clone command:

git clone my-custom-name

The package.json file contains a number of dependencies, such as React.

To install the dependencies:

  1. Navigate into starter kit:

    cd canva-apps-sdk-starter-kit
  2. Run the following command:

    npm install

Take a moment to explore the starter kit. If you have experience with modern JavaScript development, the structure and conventions should look familiar.

In particular, here's a few details worth highlighting:

  • The entry point for the app is the src/app.tsx file.
  • The app uses the App UI Kit to mimic the look and feel of Canva.
  • The examples directory contains usage examples for the APIs.

After setting up the starter kit, the next step is to preview your app in the Canva editor — and, ideally, preview it at regular intervals. To learn how to do this, see Previewing apps.