App review process

An overview of how apps are reviewed.

Before an app can be released, it must be submitted for review and pass through an app review process. The exact details of this process depend on whether the app is a public app or a team app.

A public app is an app that can be made available to the general public and, once released, is discoverable via the Apps Marketplace. If you want an app to be used by as many people as possible, it should be created as a public app.

At Canva, we conduct extensive user research and have a clear understanding of what will resonate with users.

The purpose of our app review process is to share these insights with app developers, with the ultimate goal of releasing better apps that are more likely to succeed in the Apps Marketplace.

This dedication to quality prevents the Apps Marketplace from becoming bloated with low-quality apps, while also rewarding developers who are willing to create high-quality apps. As a result, there's less competition, users are more likely to try new apps, and developers (and their apps) have the best opportunity to thrive.

Public apps are reviewed by Canva's dedicated team of app reviewers. This team consists of engineers, designers, and quality assurance experts who will work with you to make the best app possible.

Public apps must adhere to a number of requirements, both in terms of functionality and design. These requirements are explained throughout the documentation, where relevant, and in the submission checklist.

There are many factors that affect the duration of the app review, such as the complexity of the app and the amount of feedback required, so it's not practical for us to provide an average or expected duration.

When a public app is submitted for review, a Jira Service Desk (JSD) ticket is created to track the progress of the submission. You can use this ticket to communicate with Canva, such as to ask clarifying questions.

There are two possible outcomes of a review:

  • Approved
  • Rejected

If a public app is approved by Canva's app review team, the app review process is complete, and the app can be released on-demand by the owner of the app. To learn more, see Releasing apps.

If a public app is rejected, the app owner will receive feedback that explains what changes are required before the app review process can continue. This feedback will be visible in the Developer Portal, via the View feedback page.

The rejected version of an app cannot be modified. A new version of the app must be created before it can be updated and submitted for review. To learn more, see Versioning apps.

All communication relating to the submission will continue on the original JSD ticket.

A team app is an app that can only be made available to members of a team. If the app is only useful to a team, such as an app that integrates with an organization's internal systems, it should be created as a team app.

Canva is not involved in the review process for team apps.

Instead, team apps are reviewed by the owner or an administrator of the team. Any owner or administrator has the power to single-handedly review an app. There's no need for a consensus.

To learn more about reviewing and otherwise managing team apps, see Managing team apps.

As Canva is not involved in the review process for team apps, we don't enforce any specific review criteria. The criteria are at the discretion of the team's owner and administrators.

The duration of the review process depends on the team's own processes and may be affected by a number of factors, such as the team's capacity and review criteria.

There's a built-in mechanism for app reviewers to provide feedback to app owners, but if additional help is required, the team will need to organize alternative means of communication.

There are two possible outcomes of a review:

  • Approved
  • Rejected

If a team app is approved, the app is immediately released and made available to members of the team — that is, the approval and release steps are combined into a single step. To learn more, see Releasing apps.

If a team app is rejected, the app owner will receive feedback that explains what changes are required before the app review process can continue. This feedback will be visible in the Developer Portal, via the View feedback page.

The rejected version of an app cannot be modified. A new version of the app must be created before it can be updated and submitted for review. To learn more, see Versioning apps.

  • In the Developer Portal, only the most recent feedback is visible.