Create folder

Create a new folder in the user's Projects.

You can create a folder in either the top level of a Canva user's Projects (using the ID "root"), or another folder (using the parent folder's ID). When a folder is successfully created, the endpoint returns its folder id, along with other information.


This endpoint requires a valid access token that acts on behalf of a user. The token must have the following scopes (permissions):

  • folder:write

For more information, see Scopes.

Authorization: Bearer {token}

Content-Type: application/json


The name of the folder. Must be less than 256 characters.


The folder id of the parent folder. To create a new folder at the top level of a user's Projects, use the ID "root".

Examples for using the /v1/folders endpoint:

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name": "My awesome holiday",
"parent_folder_id": "FAF2lZtloor"

If successful, the endpoint returns a 200 response with a JSON body with the following parameters:


The folder object, which contains metadata about the folder.

Properties of folder

The folder ID.


The folder name.


When the folder was created, as a Unix timestamp (in seconds since the Unix Epoch).


When the folder was last updated, as a Unix timestamp (in seconds since the Unix Epoch).


A thumbnail image representing the object.

Properties of thumbnail

The width of the thumbnail image in pixels.


The height of the thumbnail image in pixels.


A URL for retrieving the thumbnail image. This URL expires after 15 minutes. This URL includes a query string that's required for retrieving the thumbnail.

"folder": {
"id": "FAF2lZtloor",
"name": "My awesome holiday",
"created_at": 1377396000,
"updated_at": 1692928800,
"thumbnail": {
"width": 595,
"height": 335,
"url": "<query-string>"