
Receive real-time notification data for your users.

Webhooks allow Canva to send real-time information to your integration, without polling or manual intervention. Your integration will receive webhooks for events relevant to the authenticated user. Here's how a webhook typically works:

  1. An event occurs in Canva. For example, John has commented on Jane's design.
  2. Canva sends the event information to your integration as a notification.
  3. Your integration receives the notification, processes the data, and performs further actions based on the information about the event. For example, sending an auto-reply to John's comment.

A notification is generated once an event occurs in Canva. The Notification object consists of the required information about the event that has occurred.

The resource schema for the Notification object is:


The unique identifier for the notification.


When the notification was created, as a UNIX timestamp (in seconds since the UNIX epoch).


The notification content object, which contains metadata about the event.

Properties of content

This can be one of the following:

  • share_design: The notification content for when someone shares a design.
  • share_folder: The notification content for when someone shares a folder.
  • comment: The notification content for when someone comments on a design.
  • design_access_requested: The notification content for when someone requests access to a design.
  • design_approval_requested: The notification content for when someone requests a user to approve a design.
  • design_approval_response: The notification content for when someone approves a design or gives feeback.
  • design_mention: The notification content for when someone mentions a user in a design.
  • team_invite: The notification content for when someone is invited to a Canva team.
  • folder_access_requested: The notification content for when someone requests access to a folder.

Metadata for the user, consisting of the User ID and display name.

Properties of triggering_user

The ID of the user.


The name of the user as shown in the Canva UI.


Metadata for the user, consisting of the User ID, Team ID, and display name.

Properties of receiving_team_user

The ID of the user.


The ID of the user's Canva Team.


The name of the user as shown in the Canva UI.


Basic details about the design, such as the design's ID, title, and URL.

Properties of design

The design ID.


The design title.


URL of the design.


A thumbnail image representing the object.

Properties of thumbnail

The width of the thumbnail image in pixels.


The height of the thumbnail image in pixels.


A URL for retrieving the thumbnail image. This URL expires after 15 minutes. This URL includes a query string that's required for retrieving the thumbnail.


This object contains some folder metadata. You can retrieve additional metadata using the folder ID and the /v1/folders/{folderId} endpoint.

Properties of folder

The folder ID.


The folder name, as shown in the Canva UI.


The folder URL.


Basic details about the comment.

Properties of comment

The type of comment event. This can be one of the following:


The comment object, which contains metadata about the comment.

Properties of data

This can be one of the following:

  • PARENT: The type of comment. When creating a new parent (top-level) comment, the type is PARENT.
  • REPLY: The type of comment. When creating a reply to a top-level comment, the type is REPLY.

The ID of the comment.

You can use this ID as the path parameter commentId to create replies to this comment using the /v1/comments/{threadId}/replies endpoint.


The comment message. This is the comment body shown in the Canva UI. User mentions are shown here in the format [user_id:team_id].


Metadata for the user, consisting of the User ID and display name.

Properties of author

The ID of the user.


The name of the user as shown in the Canva UI.


The Canva users mentioned in the comment.

Properties of mentions
#<KEY>object of TeamUsers

Metadata for the user, consisting of the User ID, Team ID, and display name.

"oUnPjZ2k2yuhftbWF7873o:oBpVhLW22VrqtwKgaayRbP": {
"user_id": "oUnPjZ2k2yuhftbWF7873o",
"team_id": "oBpVhLW22VrqtwKgaayRbP",
"display_name": "John Doe"

The ID of the user.


The ID of the user's Canva Team.


The name of the user as shown in the Canva UI.


The ID of the comment thread this reply is in. This ID is the same as the id of the parent comment.


Identifying information about the object (such as a design) that the comment is attached to.

Properties of attached_to

This can be one of the following:

  • DESIGN: If the comment is attached to a Canva Design.

The ID of the design this comment is attached to.


When the comment or reply was created, as a Unix timestamp (in seconds since the Unix Epoch).


When the comment or reply was last updated, as a Unix timestamp (in seconds since the Unix Epoch).


Metadata for the user, consisting of the User ID and display name.

Properties of assignee

The ID of the user.


The name of the user as shown in the Canva UI.


Metadata for the user, consisting of the User ID and display name.

Properties of resolver

The ID of the user.


The name of the user as shown in the Canva UI.


Metadata for the Canva Group, consisting of the Group ID, display name, and whether it's an external Canva Group.

Properties of requested_groups

The ID of the group with permissions to access the design.


Is the user making the API call (the authenticated user) and the Canva Group from different Canva Teams?

  • When true, the user and the group aren't in the same Canva Team.
  • When false, the user and the group are in the same Canva Team.

The display name of the group.


Metadata about the design approval request.

Properties of approval_request

The message included by the user when requesting a design approval.


Metadata for the Canva Group, consisting of the Group ID, display name, and whether it's an external Canva Group.

Properties of responding_groups

The ID of the group with permissions to access the design.


Is the user making the API call (the authenticated user) and the Canva Group from different Canva Teams?

  • When true, the user and the group aren't in the same Canva Team.
  • When false, the user and the group are in the same Canva Team.

The display name of the group.


Metadata about the design approval response.

Properties of approval_response

Whether the design was approved. When true, the reviewer has approved the design.


The message included by a user responding to a design approval request.


Metadata for the user, consisting of the User ID and display name.

Properties of receiving_user

The ID of the user.


The name of the user as shown in the Canva UI.


Metadata for the Canva Team, consisting of the Team ID, display name, and whether it's an external Canva Team.

Properties of inviting_team

The ID of the Canva Team.


The name of the Canva Team as shown in the Canva UI.


Is the user making the API call (the authenticated user) from the Canva Team shown?

  • When true, the user isn't in the Canva Team shown.
  • When false, the user is in the Canva Team shown.

Metadata about the share event.

Properties of share

The optional message users can include when sharing something with another user using the Canva UI.


Metadata for the user, consisting of the User ID and display name.

Properties of requesting_user

The ID of the user.


The name of the user as shown in the Canva UI.

"id": "eb595730",
"created_at": 1377396000,
"content": {
"type": "share_design",
"triggering_user": {
"id": "uKakKUfI03Fg8k2gZ6OkT",
"display_name": "John Doe"
"receiving_team_user": {
"user_id": "auDAbliZ2rQNNOsUl5OLu",
"team_id": "Oi2RJILTrKk0KRhRUZozX",
"display_name": "Jane Doe"
"design": {
"id": "DAFVztcvd9z",
"title": "My summer holiday",
"url": "https://www.canva.com/design/DAFVztcvd9z/edit",
"thumbnail": {
"width": 595,
"height": 335,
"url": "https://document-export.canva.com/Vczz9/zF9vzVtdADc/2/thumbnail/0001.png?<query-string>"
"share": {
"message": "Check this out!"

The NotificationContent depends on the type of notification. For: